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NBA 2K21 Update 1.09 (Patch 7) Patch Notes Revealed

The developers Visual Concepts officially released the latest NBA 2K21 update 1.09 on PS4 and Xbox One platforms on March 10, fixing a few bugs and adding some new content for players.

This new update, which is already live, accomplishes two main goals. First and foremost, the update gives the entire game a few enhancements. New courts and content have been added to the 2K Beach mode, while a lot of players have had their likenesses updated in-game.

Secondly, this update is set to fix a few minor things in the MyTEAM mode. Some MyTEAM players may have noticed issues when opening Dark Matter packs or displays in playbook cards. All of those problems should now be fixed.

Here’s the full list of patch notes from the latest NBA 2K21 update:


• 2K Foundation Inspired court at 2K Beach along with new seasonal decorations.
• Updated another set of player likeness for current NBA players.


• Addressed a rare issue with Dark Matter player cards not displaying the player reveal during pack openings.
• Addressed an audio issue with Dark Matter card animations.
• Addressed a name display issue for some playbook cards.
• Additional various preparations for upcoming additions to MyTEAM.

PS4 Note:

In the meantime, the PS4 players will also see some tweaks to the user interface of the game as well.

• Improved the stability of the title in addition to a number of general improvements to the user experience.

As stated above, this update weighs in at roughly 20GB, so there’s likely a lot of changes under the hood other than stability updates and general improvements. This article will be updated once the full list of changes and fixes is made available.

It’s worth noting that this update is strictly for the “Current Gen” versions of the game. So Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players will be getting this update on Wednesday. Players on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, however, will see it rolled out at a later date.

For more information regarding this game, visit here. The most important thing is that you can buy cheap mt 2k21 here to help you take advantage of the competitive mode, and improve team capabilities while enjoying safe, fast, and excellent customer service.

NBA 2K21 Update 1.09 (Patch 7) Patch Notes Revealedultima modifica: 2021-03-11T03:22:47+01:00da
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